Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Road Testing Gluten-free Crackers

Hello everyone.

Today is our 'show day' public holiday and preferring not to battle the crowds and traditional August germs, we've taken the opportunity to bake, relax and enjoy each other's company at home. I wish we had a Wednesday off every week! 

A lovely mum from my gym gave me a cute little pink box the other day and suggested I road test some gluten-free crackers. Why not? We don't have any gluten intolerances, but any healthy alternative has to be a positive. 

Firstly, how about we have a little look at the science of gluten. I recently covered this in a food chemistry subject at uni, so here is some simple background info for your reading pleasure:)

What is gluten? When wheat, rye, or barley flour are made into a dough with water, the protein within the flour is converted into an elastic substance called gluten - a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. Gluten helps retain gas bubbles produced by the fermentation of sugars in yeast within the dough and causes baked goods to expand or rise. It also coagulates during baking, stabilizing the dough ensuring it retains its structure and volume. 

Yet, some people find it difficult to digest gluten, leading to many uncomfortable symptoms, including bloating and abdominal pain. Thankfully, gluten-free options are becoming more common and easier to access.

What occurs in gluten-free products? Gluten-free products do not have the gluten to do all of the above; therefore, to have any structure, xanthum gum, guargum, or ground seeds are used as a substitute. An example of this is found in Melinda's Gluten Free Goodies "Water Crackers" Mix. A healthier alternative to premade crackers, even if you don’t have gluten intolerance. Visit http://www.melindsgfg.com for more fabulous products.

Thanks for reading. 

Have a wonderful day.